
Hydrological Education and Workshops

Explaining hydrogeological concepts, methods, analyses, results and conclusions to clients, stakeholders, regulators, lawyers and judges requires a broad and deep understanding of the science and an ability to simplify and teach.

One of my current projects is developing web-based free hydrogeology books with the international Groundwater Project. I serve as an advisory committee member and have authored two books. Hydrogeological Properties of Earth Materials and Groundwater Flow, and Groundwater Surface Water Exchange. These can be found at

Workshop teaching

Field workshop teaching

html5 video format by v3.1

Interaction of the Clark Fork River, General Groundwater Flow in the Missoula Aquifer

My experience includes:

  • a career as a skilled university professor teaching basic and applied groundwater hydrology at the undergraduate and graduate level.
  • mentoring 65 MS and PhD students.
  • over 200 presentations at regional, national and international professional meetings.
  • serving as a distinguished lecturer for the Geological Society of America.
  • teaching flow modeling workshops to practitioners, regulators and students.
  • being a workshop faculty for a meeting of Western Water Judges.

Dr. Woessner has mentored more than 60 graduate students to successful completion of either MS or PhD degrees.

Author of essential Goundwater Modeling Textbooks

Co-author of Applied Groundwater Modeling 1992 and a new, totally revised, 2nd edition released in August 2015.

"A very significant contribution that addresses a longtime need among hydrologists and others using groundwater models. It will be kept on the work table and not on the bookshelf. It will establish a standard of quality with which future modeling studies will be preformed and reviewed." Alan Dutton, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN "Applied Groundwater Modeling will be a commonly used reference for students, academicians, consultants, and regulators. After years of trying to decipher and apply the cryptic methods and arcane notations used by numerical modelers of groundwater flow systems, these seeming mysteries are revealed in an easily understood manner. The terminology, methodologies, and case studies are presented with the eye of a research scientist, the nose of an academic, and the touch of an experienced practitioner. As a result, the reader will be rewarded with the fundamental knowledge needed to use these valuable tools." E. Scott Bair, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY