
Groundwater Contamination Resolution

Virus Tracer Test

Virus Tracer Test Breakthrough (DeBorde et al. 1998)

Setting groundwater contamination studies firmly in a well-defined physical hydrogeologic context is a principle component of successful contamination assessment and resolution.

Linking Recharge

Arsenic Contamination Milltown Groundwater, MT

My work has included:

  • analyses of basin, floodplain and reservoir sediment groundwater systems impacted by large-scale mining and smelting.
  • expert testimony in a federal Natural Resource Damage claim for the State of Montana.
  • examination of the source, transport and fate of viruses and pharmaceuticals in coarse-grained aquifers.
  • reviewed investigations tracking contaminants moving from the Hanford Site into the bed of the Columbia River (concern over water quality and salmon spawning).
  • review and panel support of a complex fractured sandstone site impacted mainly with DNAPLs where a solid conceptual model and numerical model are being developed.